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UTA027: Artificial Intelligence
TIET Patiala

A01: Predicate Calculus


  1. Raghav B. Venkataramaiyer (bv.raghav)
  2. Stuti Chug (stuti.chug)


This exercise requires a student to translate situations (decision logic) described in natural english language to be translated to predicate calculus. Here are a few examples. There are a total of 75 instances for each student. The submission is in the form of a git repository the commit access to which shall be rescinded after the deadline.

Important Dates

S.No. Desc Timestamp
1. Submission Starts 07-01-2025 0800 IST
2. Submission Ends 20-01-2025 0500 IST

Getting started

This assignment should already be available on your userspace as a git repository. Navigate to the git repository in your userspace;

  1. Navigate to generateAssignment.ipynb, (in your userspace).
  2. Click “Open in Colab.”
  3. Upon opening in Colab; the runtime should connect all by itself and the files pane should be populated. Click on folder/ files icon to view.
  4. Fill you rollno in the widget; and Ctrl+F9 (or else, via Menu  ⧽  Runtime  ⧽  Run all). This should result in a CSV file named a01-<YOUR_ROLL_NO>.csv in the files pane. Click on three-dots to download it.
  5. Edit the csv with your favourite spreadsheet editor (Google Sheets, MS Excel, LibreOffice, VIm, Emacs or otherwise) to fill in your answers.
  6. Save or download the file as CSV, and commit back into your repository.
  7. A submission may be updated multiple times before the deadline. So, one may save the progress online. By default a student assignment is a private repo; so unless exposed intentionally by the student, your submission is secure.

Some Tricks

In your lab session, your instructor may be able to guide to use save some time by:

  1. Getting started with the Github Classrooms;
  2. Save the file to google drive directly instead of downloading;
  3. Editing within Github Codespace itself;
  4. Using automated string substitution(s), e.g.
    FA X tomorrow?(X) AND rains?(X) IMPL bring?(me,umbrella)
    instead of
    ∀ X tomorrow?(X) ∧ rains?(X) → bring?(me,umbrella)
    and this translation is done automatically.


A situation description in natural language, may be expressed formally using predicate logic. The following ten cases serve as exemplars.

If it rains tomorrow, I'll bring an umbrella.

∀ X tomorrow?(X) ∧ rains?(X) → bring?(me,umbrella)

Here, X is a variable chosen for day, and we know that there are two predicates for the day, that define it; namely its tomorrow?, and it rains? on the day. This forms our premise (or antecedent). The consequent is that I (represented by a constant me because i might be too generic) would bear an umbrella.

If you heat water to 100°C, it boils.

∀ T geq?(temp(water, T),100) → boils?(water,T)

From our understanding of the world, heating of water is a process, which bears its signature as water temperature. Hence the author chose a function temp to extract the substance property at time T. Function Expression temp(water,T) represents that water temperature is being measured, probably periodically through some sensor. geq? is a predicate defined for comparison, and returns “truthy” if the first argument is greater than or equal to the second. boils? is a (predicate) property that will be visible on water at time T as a consequence.

If I had more time, I would learn to play piano.

∀ X greater?(free_time(me),X) → learning_piano?(me)

More time is a relative concept; hence the reference point here is taken as a variable X, to define the premise. And the nomenclature learning_piano? for the predicate has been designed to reflect continuity.

Please note here that in the formulation here the english grammatical tense makes no difference, e.g. “If I am having more time, I am learning piano” might be poor, perhaps incorrect, english but that’s the rough meaning of this well-formed expression (WFE) in predicate calculus (PC).

If she arrives early, we can start the meeting sooner.

∀ X less?(arr_time(she),X) → less?(start_time(meeting),X)

Again here, understanding the world of discourse would help frame a (WFE-PC)

Time is taken as variable and subtly embedded as “return value” of a “function”.

If you mix blue and yellow, you get green.

∀ X blue?(X) ∧ ∀ Y yellow?(Y) → green?(mix(X,Y))

X and Y have been chosen as variable colours, because blue (or yellow or green) is not just one colour, they are a range of colours. eg. both sky and sea are blue, but not same. And if you mix either of them with a yellow, you get a green.

If I were you, I'd take that job offer.

as_if?(me,you) → ∀ X (job_offer?(X) ∧ accept?(me,X))

If the store is open, could you buy some milk?

open?(store) → ∀ X may_buy_from?(you,store,milk)

The question like “could you…?” is implicit in all of PC, because the expression evaluates to true only if certain conditions are met. So, in PC, this english sentence is equivalent to saying “If the store is open, by me some milk.”

If my dog hears a noise, he always barks.

∀ X noise?(X) ∧ ∀ Y my_dog?(Y) ∧ hears?(X,Y) → barks?(Y)
∀ X noise?(X) ∧ ∀ Y dog?(Y) ∧ pet?(me, Y) ∧ hears?(X,Y) → barks?(Y)

Please note the equivalence here: my_dog?(Y) ≡ dog?(Y) ∧ pet?(me, Y)

If we leave now, we'll catch the train.

eq?(dep_time(us),now()) → catch?(us,train)
∀T now?(T) ∧ eq?(dep_time(us),T) → catch?(us,train)

now() has essentially been represented, more formally in the latter version, as a “unary function” because it’s value changes depending upon the time of invocation.

If you need help, just ask me.

need?(you,help) → ask?(you,me,help)