Question 15 [PY]
There are \(N\) cities, connected by flights. Given the list of flights \(F\equiv\{(s_i,d_i,p_i):0<i\leqslant N\}\) so that \(i\)-th flight connects the source city \(s_i\) to destination city \(d_i\) for a cost-price of \(p_i\).
Given \(A,B,k\), WAP to determine the cheapest price to connect city \(A\) to city \(B\) with maximum \(k\) stops.
Examples (Optimal paths marked in red)
- \(N=4, F\equiv\{ (0,1,100), (1,2,100), (2,0,100),
(2,3,200) \}, A=0, B=3, k=1\)
Result: \(700\) - \(N=3, F\equiv \{ (0,1,100), (1,2,100), (0,2,500) \},
A=0, B=2, k=1\)
Result: \(200\) - \(N=3, F\equiv \{ (0,1,100), (1,2,100), (0,2,500) \},
A=0, B=2, k=0\)
Result: \(500\)
See also: Flight
Name | Description |
q15GetCheapestFlight |
Args: |